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WOMBLE Help Guides

The WOMBLE is our online learning platform for pupils in Year 1, 2 and 3. It is used by teachers to set homework and share home learning resources in year group communities that pupils and parents are members of. It is password protected and is only accessible to teachers, parents and pupils.


    Click here to see an introduction to the WOMBLE

  • How to access The WOMBLE

    To login to the WOMBLE, click on the login button that is located at the bottom right-hand side of the screen, no matter what device you are using. It looks like this:


  • How to upload work to The WOMBLE

    All pupils have a My Work area that they can upload files into (including pictures, videos, documents and presentations). 

    We recommend saving documents and presentations as a .pdf file before uploading them because these can be opened in a web browser. Presentations can also be saved as image files, which is useful for sharing presentations without needing to open the file on the computer. 

    To access the My Work area, pupils need to click on the shortcut on their homepage in the Quick Links panel:

    This will open up a new page where files can be created (New... button) or uploaded (Upload button).

    Clicking on Upload will open a window on the device pupils are using where they can select what they want to add to their files section.

    After they have uploaded a file, it is important that they rename it so that it is easy to tell what it is.

    Clicking on a file opens a window with the following options:

  • How to complete work from the Womble without the need to print

    Watch here to see how to edit a worksheet online and submit work without the need to print. 

  • How to share work in year group communities

    Year group communities are like digital classrooms where teachers and pupils from a particular year group can interact. There is one for each individual year group. There are individual class communities, but these are only used to organise pupil accounts and are not regularly updated.

    Within year group communities are forums where teachers create topics that pupils can contribute to.

    To share something in a community forum, pupils need to go to the Forums area of their year group community, open the topic they would like to contribute to and then use the Reply button (highlighted) to add a response.

    The new page that opens gives pupils the pupils the ability so share a written response, share a photo or video, or share a file.

    Pupils have the option to reply to, edit, or delete any forum posts they make.

  • How to report problems on the womble

    Pupils can report problems on the WOMBLE using a whistle icon that features in the top right-hand corner of every WOMBLE page.

    Clicking on the whistle icon creates a screenshot of the page it was clicked on and opens a message window asking pupils to report their problem.

    Whistle reports are received by the designated Whistle Monitor and passed onto class teachers.

    Pupils can use the whistle icon to report any kinds of problem, including things they see that upset or confuse them. It is important that they click the whistle icon on the problem page itself so that their teacher can see a copy of how the page looked at the time. It is also important that they write a message about the problem before they click Send, to help add context to the problem.

  • WOMBLE Profile Pictures and Passwords

    Pupils are unable to change their profile picture on the WOMBLE. Instead, we use their most recent school photo so that it is a clear picture that other members of their class can recognise. If you would prefer that your child did not have a profile picture, please contact the school office.

    Pupils are also unable to change their own passwords at this time. This decision was made to avoid disruption to WOMBLE lessons at school as when a pupil changes their password, it is no longer accessible to their teacher and has to be manually reset. Passwords are set at the beginning of the year and provided to your child's class teacher so that they can help them login during computing lessons. Passwords can be changed upon request.

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