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Governors Declarations of Interest Register


Name of Governor Date Name of Business/Organisation  Nature of Business  Nature of Interest
Linda Appleby 23/09/2024 Ofsted School Inspection Agency Inspector
Simrit Bagshaw 23/09/2024 Westdene Primary School Parent of child at school
Simrit Bagshaw 23/09/2024 Cardinal Newman School School Employee
Jane Bone 17/03/2025 Westdene Primary School Employee
Sandra Cooke Nil Return      
Emily Goodwin 23/09/2024 Westdene Primary School Parent of child at school
Charles Haywood 23/09/2024 Bedes School School Governor
Judy Hawker Nil Return      
Gareth Hughes 17/03/2025 Westdene Primary School Parent of child at school
Gareth Hughes 17/03/2025 University of Cumbria University Employee
Ian Lopatin Nil Return      
Jo Marron 23/09/2024 Tarnerland Nursery Nursery Governor
Philip McDonald 23/09/2024 Strate Garden Design Business  
Philip McDonald 23/09/2024 Patcham High School School Parent Governor until 2027
Az Naem Nil Return      
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